In busy kitchens it is essential to streamline the order preparation process in order to guarantee an optimal service.
Existing KDS systems only partially address this need. Staff in the kitchen have to push orders on a bump bar or a touch screen to communicate with the system (command ready, waiting command, recall of served commands, swap of kitchen station on the fly, …) with the following drawbacks:
- waste of time
- hygiene issues
- touch screen becomes unresponsive (traces of grease, dirty fingers)
- repetitive actions causing physical disorders
In the case several persons are sharing the same kitchen station and KDS screen:
- the traceability of actions is not possible
- difficulty to reach the screen or bump bar
Veovox system is the ultimate solution to empower existing KDS with a unique speech recognition interface: easiest and fastest way to communicate operations hands-free, without the need to press buttons on bump bars or touch screens.